Aaron Huey

It was obvious Aaron Huey seemed to be deeply upset by the tears that he tried to fight back in his TED talk video about the fact that the Lakota Indian tribe has been cheated out of their contracts and left to fend for themselves with little to no help at all after being treated like war prisoners. Huey wants and pleads for justice for these people by asking that they simply be provided the things they were promised, the land of the Black Hills, Huey stated his opinion with the comment, “just give it back to them, it’s not our business what they do with that land anyway!” It’s very troubling to hear the statistical information he provided, the average life expectancy of people in this tribe is 46 to 48 years because they cannot get the care they need, or afford the resources to live in a healthy environment. While Huey did bring light to a topic that I, and I’m sure many people, were unaware of, I found him to seem fake and phony and did not enjoy watching him speak.

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